Charles J. Kleman, 56, has been a director since 1993 and is Executive Vice President-Finance, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer of the Company. Mr. Kleman has been employed by the Company since January 1989, when he was hired as the Company’s Controller. In 1991, he was elected as Vice President/Assistant Secretary. In 1992, Mr. Kleman was designated as the Company’s Chief Financial Officer. In September 1993, he was elected to the additional position of Secretary/Treasurer. Mr. Kleman served as Secretary until October 2004. He served as Senior Vice President-Finance from January 1996 through November 1996, effective December 1996, was promoted to the position of Executive Vice President-Finance and effective November 2003, was promoted to the additional position of Chief Operating Officer and served in such capacity until August 2005. In February 2007, Mr. Kleman announced that he would be stepping down from his positions as Executive Vice President-Finance, Chief Financial Officer, and Treasurer of the Company, upon the Company’s identification and appointment of a successor Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer. He also indicated that he would step down from his director position at the same time that he steps down from his officer positions. Prior to joining the Company, Mr. Kleman was an independent accounting consultant in 1988, and from 1986 to 1988, Mr. Kleman was employed by Electronic Monitoring & Controls, Inc., a manufacturer and distributor of energy management systems, as its Vice President/Controller. Prior to 1986, Mr. Kleman was employed by various public accounting firms, spending over four years of that time with Arthur Andersen & Co. |