Chandrasekhar Ramamurthy, known as Babloo Ramamurthy, has served as a Director and as a Vice President and as Regional Manager (Europe) since the Company’s acquisition of Watson Wyatt LLP in July 2005. He joined The Wyatt Company in 1977. Following the establishment of the global Watson Wyatt Worldwide alliance in 1995, Mr. Ramamurthy became a partner of Watson Wyatt LLP. Mr. Ramamurthy has been based primarily in London, although between 1983 and 1986 he transferred to the international benefits and compensation consulting team based in the New York region, where he dealt primarily with the head offices of US multinational companies. Since returning to Europe, Mr. Ramamurthy has been the account manager for a number of the firm’s major clients in the UK, advising on a broad range of human capital and employee benefits issues both in the UK and overseas. Mr. Ramamurthy was the Head of the European Benefits Consulting Practice from 1999 to 2004, before being appointed Managing Partner of Watson Wyatt LLP in 2004, and has also served on Watson Wyatt LLP’s Partnership Board. Mr. Ramamurthy holds an honours degree in Mathematics from King’s College, London. |