Cecília Mendes Garcez Siqueira Born on 06/09/1957 she majored in Psychology in 1994 from Universidade de São João Del Rei/MG and in Education in 1998 from Universidade de Brasília DF; she holds a post-graduate degree in Social Security and Pension Funds Management - Previdência e Gestão in Fundos de Pensão and an MBA in Top Executive General Training Program - Formação Geral para Altos Executivos both from Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV. She currently attends the Business Administration master´s course at Instituto Brasileiro de Mercado de Capitais IBMEC/RJ. She is an employee of Banco do Brasil since 1979 and was assigned to Caixa de Previdência do Banco do Brasil PREVI where she holds the position of Planning Director since 2004. She was a member of the Advisory Council of PREVI and of the Board of Directors of Neonergia. On 04/29/2005 she was elected the Company´s Board of Directors Vice Chairwoman. |