Cathy M. Niden, a director in Evanston, Illinois, provides expertise in financial economics specializing in financial markets, corporate finance, and securities regulation. She has served as expert witness in securities fraud, breach of contract, and ERISA violations in connection with company stock. In addition, she has directed analyses addressing a broad range of issues in financial economics including accounting restatements, valuation, and securities regulation. Dr. Niden has published scholarly articles on the topics of corporate acquisitions, shareholder proxy voting, and the price-volume relation in stock markets. Prior to joining LECG, she was a senior vice president at Lexecon. Dr. Niden also served as associate chief economist and academic fellow at the Securities and Exchange Commission, and was a faculty member at the University of Notre Dame and the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Niden received her AB, MBA, and PhD degrees from the University of Chicago. |