Carolyn applies her product development expertise to the implementation and continued improvement of BC Tech's Quality Management System. Preparing a product for regulatory certification is a complex and nuanced process. Carolyn makes sure no details are overlooked. As a Certified Master Checker with extensive training experience, Carolyn and her team guarantees client's quality needs are being fulfilled. Companies: Loral, Western Development Laboratories (Ford Aerospace) United Defense (FMC) Exodus Communications BC Tech Products: Medical Devices Antenna Engineering RF Waveguide Electro-Mechanical Integrated Circuit Structural Design for Large Telecommunication Systems Power Train Chassis Structures for Armored Gun Systems Years of Experience: 22+ years, with 3 years in Medical Products Skills and Achievements: Extensive experience in product development with thorough understanding of documentation requirements through all phases of the design lifecycle - from feasibility through to production and maintenance. Working knowledge of current ISO 13485:2003 and FDA QSR requirements. Certified "Master" checker for documentation including checking CAD models. Experience in development and implementation of design control systems. Education: B.S. Business Management; University of Phoenix A.S. Drafting Technology; College of San Mateo |