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Email Profiles And Emails Of Executives
Carl Spetzler
Carl Spetzler's Email : Please login
Company Name : Strategic Decisions Group Inc.
Company Website : www.sdg.com
Company Address : 745 Emerson St.
, Palo Alto, CA,
United States,
Carl Spetzler's Profile : CEO
Carl Spetzler's Biography :

Specializing in strategy development, business innovation, and strategic change management, Dr. Spetzler has developed creative business strategies for major financial institutions, capital-intensive companies, high-technology manufacturers, and systems businesses. Over the past 20 years, he has been a leader in designing an innovative strategy development process that helps corporate leaders cope with the lack of explicit strategic alternatives, deal with the complexities of uncertainty and risk over long time horizons, and achieve lasting change. In addition to serving as the chairman of the board for SDG, Dr. Spetzler works with top management and boards of directors to improve the quality of decisions. His methods stress that boards be collaboratively engaged in a few truly strategic decisions rather than simply serve in an approval role on a myriad of items. Before the founding of SDG, Dr. Spetzler directed the Financial Industries and Strategic Methodologies Center at SRI International. He received an MBA and a PhD in economics and business administration and BS in chemical engineering from the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT). He serves on the boards of IIT and the Decision Education Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the decision-making skills of youth. In 2004, Dr. Spetzler received The Ramsey Medal, the highest honor awarded by the Decision Analysis Society of INFORMS for lifetime contributions to the field.

Carl Spetzler's Colleagues :
Name Title Email
Todd Anderson Sr. Engagement Mgr. Please login
David Barker Consulting Principal Please login
Leonard Bertrand Consulting Principal Please login
Warwick Blyth Sr. Engagement Mgr. Please login
Dan Cornew Sr. Consultant Please login

* Other executive with same Profile.

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