Appointed December 2005. A chartered accountant with extensive experience in the mining industry, as well as experience in the financial services and manufacturing industries. He has held senior finance positions at Gold Fields Limited of South Africa, Rio Tinto Limited, Pacific Dunlop Limited, ANZ Banking Group and WMC Limited, where he was Chief Financial Officer until that Company was taken over in mid-2005. Mr Brook has served as a State Councillor for the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (ICAA), National President of the Group of 100 and Chairman of the ICAA/ASX liaison group. He is also a Non-Executive Director of Consolidated Minerals Limited, Snowy Hydro Limited and Boart Longyear Limited. Mr Brook is a member of the Financial Reporting Council, the Salvation Army Audit Committee and the Finance Committee of the University of Melbourne. Age 51. |