B.S. Civil Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1989
Professional Engineer Virginia, North Carolina
American Society of Civil Engineers
National Society of Professional Engineers
Virginia Waste Industries Association
Mr. Dick has over 9 years experience working on civil and environmental engineering projects related to solid and hazardous waste management and is responsible for SCS’ operations in the Richmond, VA office. Most of his work has been on landfill and landfill gas (LFG) study, design, permitting and construction projects. Mr. Dick has performed over 20 landfill projects in 9 states involving new cell construction, vertical and lateral expansion, closure, post closure care, and phasing operations, and has performed over 60 LFG projects in 13 states involving migration control, odor/emissions control, and energy recovery/utilization. Representative projects in which he has served as the project manager or lead engineer include the following:
County-owned Landfills, Chesterfield County, VA Reviewed existing Post-Closure Care Monitoring Program and performed inspections and evaluations at four closed landfills. Developed post-closure care plans, budget estimates, and implementation schedules, considering short-term and long-term routine maintenance, monitoring, and repairs relating to groundwater, landfill gas, leachate, stormwater, final cover, etc.
Shoosmith Landfill, Chesterfield County, VA Project Manager for an independent, third-party review of Part A and Part B design documents for a proposed sanitary landfill lateral expansion (being designed by another engineering consultant). The review is based on compliance with the VSWMR (9 VAC 20-80-10 et seq), Submission Instructions, Conditional Use Permit, and Chesterfield County Solid Waste Ordinances. Attended and presented before the County Board at public hearing regarding the expansion.
Randolph Landfill, Cumberland County, VA Landfill and construction engineering services related to the closure of the Randolph Landfill in Cumberland County, VA. Specific tasks included evaluation of closure/post-closure plans from a constructability and cost-effectiveness perspective, performance of a field test pit program to determine the waste boundary and thickness of the existing intermediate cover, resident engineering and construction management during closure construction, construction quality assurance (CQA) testing and inspection services, and preparation and submission of the closure certification report.
County-owned Landfills, Cumberland County, VA Post-closure semi-annual groundwater monitoring at three different closed landfills within the County. Specific tasks include sampling and laboratory analysis for VSWMR Appendix 5.5 and 5.1 compounds, statistical analysis, preparation of the annual reports for submittal to the VDEQ, and development of permit modifications to establish Groundwater Protection Standards. LFG quarterly monitor-ing is included for the Hamilton Landfill.
Rutrough Road Landfill, Roanoke, VA Comprehensive landfill gas engineering services at the 90-acre closed landfill, which required the design and phasing plan to consider multiple objectives and the impacts of public access associated with the Roanoke River Parkway. Specific tasks involved development of a LFG Master Plan, which included an odor evaluation, basis of design, a system phasing plan, conceptual system drawings, and a budgetary cost estimate; preparation of a design criteria memo and bid documents consisting of construction drawings and technical specifications; construction engineering support during system installation; and preparation of a report assessing the feasibility of utilizing the LFG for energy recovery.
Lynchburg Landfill, Lynchburg, VA LFG engineering services in support of the design/build effort involving a migration control system with pro visions for conversion to a collection system in the event of a future utilization project. Specific tasks included preparation of construction documents, coordination with VDEQ, construction oversight, start-up assistance, and evaluation of LFG yield estimates. SPSA Regional Landfill, Suffolk, VA Construction engineering support during installation of an LFG collection system to supply a 3.2 MW electrical generation plant. Engineering tasks include preparation of construction details, third-party inspections, and coordination with contractor. Also performed due diligence engineering for refinancing of the recovery project as well as the LFG yield estimate task of due diligence services for the project's original financing, which consisted of field monitoring at the interim odor control system.
City-owned Landfill, Richmond, VA LFG engineering services at three different closed landfills in residential areas within the City. Specific tasks included evaluation of existing active control systems, migration control investigations, preparation of recommendations and documentation for upgrades to the existing LFG systems, and coordination with City staff to develop capital and operational budgets.
County Landfill, Prince William County, VA Reviewed existing groundwater data, laboratory methods and limits, and developed revised Groundwater Protection Standards for a major permit amendment submitted to VDEQ. Lead engineer for three LFG projects under comprehensive landfill engineering services.
County Landfill, Prince William County, Virginia Lead engineer for three LFG projects under comprehensive landfill engineering services. Project tasks included an on-site LFG migration control investigation, a feasibility assessment of LFG recovery and utilization, and a Tier II emissions analysis for compliance with the New Source Performance Standards (NSPS). Coordinated submission of migration investigation report to state regulators resulting in approval for Gas Monitoring Plan compliance.
I-95 Landfill, Lorton, VA Reviewed existing groundwater data, coordinated with laboratory staff regarding methods and limits, and assisted with development of revised Groundwater Protection Standards for submittal to VDEQ. Design of a LFG control system and flare station for odor abatement purposes. Construction monitoring, submittal/change order review, and field engineering during installation of system. Analysis and recommendations for modifications to the existing LFG condensate treatment system using activated carbon for trace organics removal.
Oaks Landfill, Montgomery County, MD Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) and resident engineering services during vertical expansion and closure. Specific tasks included construction inspection duties, shop drawing and change order review, leachate generation analysis, development of contingency grading plan, and preparation of preliminary MSW Cell 1 closure design and construction documents.
Fresh Kills Landfill, Staten Island, NY Comprehensive landfill engineering services for closure of the world’s largest landfill (2,000- acre facility receiving over 15,000 tons per day). Specific tasks included review of environmental laws, regulations, and jurisdiction of various permit agencies, development of stormwater management permit documents, preparation of alternative final grading plans for Section 2/8, and development of a master stormwater management plan.
Charles City County Landfill, VA Performed a groundwater study and analysis of the impact of subdrains on monitoring wells in conjunction with an analysis and review of the sump box and associated pump design for the leachate collection system.
Sanitary Landfill, Loudoun County, VA Developed conceptual design drawings for proposed 140-acre MSW facility including subbase and final grading, leachate collection system, and stormwater management facilities. Estimated airspace volume and site life based on assumed waste projections.
Smith Gap Landfill, Roanoke, VA Developed Tier 1 NMOC emissions estimate in accordance with the NSPS and conducted Tier 2 sampling activities necessary to prepare a revised NMOC emissions estimate and maintain compliance with the CAA.
Buncombe County, Asheville, NC Developed preliminary LFG production rate estimates in support of a LFG utilization project involving transport of the LFG to the local POTW. Prepared and submitted permit documents, which included sealed drawings, for the LFG collection system to the NCDEHNR.
Wake County, Raleigh, NC Developed preliminary LFG production rate estimates in support of a LFG utilization project involving transport of the LFG to an adjacent manufacturing facility. Prepared and submitted permit documents, which included sealed drawings, for the LFG collection system to the NCDEHNR. Coordinated permitting of the temporary migration control flare with NCDEHNR Air Quality Division.
Henderson County, Hendersonville, NC Developed preliminary LFG production rate estimates in support of a LFG utilization project involving transport of the LFG to a nearby food processing factory. Prepared wellfield construction drawings, conducted monitoring at temporary control system, and submitted results for tax-credit reporting purposes.
Renaissance Park Clubhouse, Charlotte, NC Prepared construction documents, consisting of design drawings, specifications, and cost estimate for an active remediation system to control LFG migration within the golf course clubhouse. SCS provided assistance to the City during the bid process and provided construction engineering support to address unforeseen site conditions and contractor submittals.
Berkeley County, Inwood, WV SCS performed an assessment of the existing LFG collection system, which supplies a utilization project that pipes gas to a nearby hospital. The project developer contemplated project shut-down to convert the LFG transmission line to a natural gas pipeline. SCS reviewed information, inspected the site, and developed a report regarding regulatory compliance, historical and future LFG production rates, and environmental issues.
Martone Landfill, Barre, Massachusetts LFG design, permitting, and construction engineering services in support of due diligence activities for the financing of a 1.0 MW electrical generation project. Specific tasks included preparation of design report, sealed construction drawings, and collection system permit application for submittal to MDEP.
ZAPCO 10 LFG Utilization Projects LFG independent engineering assessment in support of due diligence activities for refinancing 10 LFG utilization projects located in MA, NH, NJ, NY, PA, VT, and VA.
Hanes Mill Road Landfill, Winston-Salem, NC LFG engineering services in support of a utilization project.
DRPI Landfill, New Castle, Delaware Project manager and lead engineer for an LFG odor control project for a construction and debris. The project included design and permitting of an odor control system, including evaluation of odor treatment technologies, design of the LFG collection and treatment sytems.
Lanchester Landfill, Honey Brook, Pennsylvania Design of LFG control system upgrades and improvements in conjunction with final closure construction involving a geomembrane cap for Phase 3 (27 acres) and Phase 4 (23 acres).
Intervale Landfill, Burlington, Vermont Design and construction monitoring of a LFG collection system for electricity generation by a small power plant. Compared actual production data with initial modeling estimates and recommended improvements.
Dick, Robert E. "Landfill Gas Management." Presented at the 3rd Annual SCS Engineers Virginia Landfill & Landfill Gas Seminar, Virginia Beach and Richmond, Virginia, June 6th & 7th, 1995.
Dick, Robert E. "Landfill Gas Control Systems: Practical Approaches for Meeting and Maintaining Compliance with Regulations." Presented at the 4th Annual SCS Engineers Virginia Landfill and Landfill Gas Seminar, Richmond, Virginia, February 25, 1997. |