Dr. Omary’s research interests include studying disease-related, cell biological and molecular aspects of cytoskeletal and other proteins in digestive organs. Dr. Omary is applying his research to the understanding of inflammatory bowel diseases and Barrett’s esophagus. Other clinical interests include crytogenic cirrhosis, colonic cancer and polyps. Recently, Dr. Omary’s Lab identified keratin mutations as a major predisposition to the development of liver cirrhosis. Dr. Omary has collaborated with Cell Biosciences in these studies on an early-phase, single-cell analysis instrument. Dr. Omary received his Ph.D. in Cell Biology/Immunology from UCSD and completed a Ph.D. to M.D. program at the University of Miami. After a medical residency at the University of California, Irvine, Dr. Omary served a fellowship at UCSD and joined the Stanford faculty in 1989 with a lab at the Veteran’s Administration Hospital. At Stanford, Dr. Omary has served as chief of Gastroenterology and Hepatology and director of the Digestive Disease Center. |