Mr. Arvind Pande holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Allahabad University and a BA (Hons.) and MA (Economics) degrees from Cambridge University , U.K.
Carrer Highlights
Mr. Arvind Pande started his career in Indian Administrative Services and has held various responsible positions in the Government of India.
He was a Joint Secretary to the Prime Minister of India for Economics, Science and Technology issues.
He was also on the Board of Steel Authority of India Limited and its Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
He was a Director, Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Government of India and has dealt with World Bank aided projects.
Mr. Pande is a Director of Sandhar Locking Devices Limited, Visa Steel Limited, Era Construction (India) Limited and Burnpur Cement Limited.
He is member of the Audit Committee of Visa Steel Limited.
Mr. Pande is liable to retire by rotation and being eligible offers himself for re-appointment at the ensuing Annual General Meeting.
Mr. Pande does not hold equity shares in the Bank as on March 31, 2007. |