Arthur Chinski is a Shareholder and former Chair of the Labor and Employment Practice Group in the Firm's Los Angeles office. He represents companies and management in all areas of employment relations and labor law. He also represents a number of Taft-Hartley trust funds. He earned his B.A. from the University of California, Los Angeles in 1967, and his J.D. in 1970 from the University of California, Davis, where he was an Associate Editor of The Law Review. Prior to joining the Firm, Mr. Chinski was an attorney with the National Labor Relations Board in Los Angeles.
Mr. Chinski has contributed to a number of publications and journals in the employment law field, including, as author of the Chapter entitled: "Independent Contractors" in Advising California Employers, California Continuing Education Of the Bar (2nd Ed., 1997 and the January 2000 update); as a contributing editor of the book, "Developing Labor Law," BNA, (1st, 2nd and 3rd Ed) and author of the Chapter "Discrimination in Employment-Discharges for Union Activity"; as author of "Medical Surveillance in the Workplace-Legal Issues," Occupational Medicine 1990; as a co-author, "Guidelines for Healthcare Workers: AIDS-Legal Implications," Administrative Radiology 1988 and "AIDS in the Health Care Workplace: Legal Considerations and Current Development," American Radiology 1987; and as a co-editor, "Employment Regulations in California, A Survival Kit for California Employers," Management Education Corporation. Mr. Chinski has also written prefaces to "Employee Termination Issues Notebook," Institute of Business Law, Management Education Corporation; "Drug and Alcohol Issues in the Workplace Notebook," Institute of Business Law, Management Education Corporation; "Discrimination: Age, Race, Disability, Religion Notebook", Institute of Business Law, Management Education Corporation and "Sexual Harassment and Other Sex Discrimination Notebook," Institute of Business Law, Management Education Corporation.
Mr. Chinski has Chaired and/or appeared at numerous labor and employment law programs designed for attorneys and management, including programs for the California Continuing Education of the Bar, Beverly Hills Bar Association, Los Angeles County Bar Association, the University of California, and the Human Resources Institute presented by the Institute of Business Law, California State University, Los Angeles.
Mr. Chinski is an adjunct Professor of Law at Southwestern University School of Law, where he teaches on the subject of Entertainment Industry Labor and Employment Law in the Law School's National Institute of Entertainment and Media Law. He is also Executive Vice President of REPRISE! Broadway's Best.
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