Anurag Mishra is a program officer in the International Programs Division for the Population Council's Frontiers in Reproductive Health Program (FRONTIERS). He provides technical assistance for operations research projects undertaken by Indian partner organizations to test strategies for improving reproductive health service delivery. Mishra's specialty is in monitoring and evaluating programs, including developing data collection and monitoring tools and data analysis. His research interests include male sexual and reproductive health, male involvement in women's reproductive health, and migrants' health. Before joining the Population Council, he worked with The Policy Project, Futures Group International.
Mishra was a research fellow at the International Institute for Population Sciences in Mumbai, India, where he received his doctoral degree in population studies. He also holds master's degrees in mathematics and economics with specialization in demography and advanced statistics from Agra University, and population studies with specialization in health economics from the International Institute for Population Sciences.
A partial list of publications includes:
Caleb Varkey, Leila, Anurag Mishra, Anjana Das, Emma Ottolenghi, Dale Huntington, Susan Adamchak, M.E. Khan, and Frederick Homan. 2004. "Involving men in maternity care in India," FRONTIERS Final Report. Washington, DC: Population Council. (PDF)
Mishra, Anurag. 2004. "Risk of sexually transmitted infections among migrant men: Findings from a survey in Delhi." Asian and Pacific Migration Journal 13(1): 89 106.
Mishra, Anurag, Leila Caleb Varkey, Anjana Das, Dale Huntington, and Emma Ottolenghi. 2002. "Findings from pre-intervention surveys of women and their husbands attending antenatal clinics at ESIC facilities in Delhi," FRONTIERS Research Update. New Delhi: Population Council.
A partial list of presentations includes:
Mishra, Anurag. 2003. "Migrant men living away from family are at higher risk of STIs and HIV/AIDS: Findings from the survey of migrants in Delhi," paper presented at the Migration and Health in Asia Workshop, Bintan, Indonesia, 22 24 September.
Mishra, Anurag, Leila Caleb Varkey, M.E. Khan, Susan Adamchak, and Emma Ottolenghi. 2003. "Intentions and actual practices of antenatal and postpartum sexual abstinence in Delhi, India: An opportunity to promote safe sex practices," paper presented at the Population Association of American Conference, Minneapolis, MN, 1 3 May.
Mishra, Anurag, Leila Caleb Varkey, Dale Huntington, Anjana Das, and Emma Ottolenghi. 2002. "Family planning choices of young couples attending antenatal clinics in Delhi: An analysis of husbands' and wives' views," paper presented at the Indian Association for the Study of Population Conference, International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai, India. |