Anthony F. Griffiths is a member of our board of directors. Mr. Griffiths is currently an independent business consultant and corporate director. He is a director of Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited ("Fairfax"), and of various operating subsidiaries of Fairfax, including Crum & Forster Holdings Corp., Lindsey Morden Group Inc. and Northbridge Financial Corporation. He is also a director of Hub International Limited, Alliance Atlantis Communications Inc., Vitran Corporation, PreMD Inc., Jaguar Mining Inc., Novadaq Technologies Inc., and Russel Metals Inc. Mr. Griffiths became the Chairman of Mitel Corporation, a telecommunications company, in 1987 and also assumed the positions of President and Chief Executive Officer in addition to that of Chairman from 1991 to 1993. Mr. Griffiths serves on the Audit Committees of Fairfax, Crum & Forster Holdings Corp., Northbridge, Lindsey Morden, Alliance Atlantis Communications and Jaguar Mining, Inc. Mr. Griffiths is a resident of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Mr. Griffiths currently serves on our Audit and Compensation Committees.