Mr. Limpert has been a financial and retirement planner associated with the Salt Lake based firm of Belsen Getty, LLC since 1998. He is licensed as a Registered Investment Advisor Representative, but he is not a Certified Financial Planner. As a licensed Investment Advisor, Mr. Limpert has completed licensing requirements and testing prescribed by the State of Utah. Mr. Limpert plans to continue his full-time employment with Belsen Getty. He will also serve as a director, treasurer, CFO and secretary for Prime. Prior to the foregoing positions, he worked with Prosource Software of Park City, Utah as a software sales agent from 1993 to 1998. Mr. Limpert is assisting Prime on a limited as-needed basis. In 1998 Mr. Limpert served briefly as an interim outside director in a small public company, then known as Mt. Olympus Resources, Inc. Mr. Limpert resigned as part of a reorganization of Olympus in November, 1998. Mr. Limpert was also affiliated, on a part-time as-needed basis, with a small presently inactive company known as Kinship Systems, Inc. as a director and its treasurer/secretary and CFO/accounting officer. Due to Kinship's change of control he is no longer affiliated with that firm. Mr. Limpert was appointed to these positions in February, 2000 as part of the initial organization. As noted above, Kinship acquired a new operating subsidiary and Mr. Limpert resigned as an officer and director effective November 14, 2002. He has no continuing affiliation with Kinship/CCI. Mr. Limpert also acts as a business and financial consultant to various small public and private companies. Mr. Limpert holds a B.S. degree in finance from the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, Utah in 1995 and an M.B.A. from Westminster College of Salt Lake City, Utah in 1998.