Born on 3.26.1961. Graduated in Law from Universidade Bandeirante de São Paulo. Mr. Souza began his career in July 1975 as office assistant at São Pedro do Suacuí branch MG. In february 1987 he became Manager in Divinópolis Branch MG and then in the following branches: Juiz de For a MG Cidade Industrial Urb. Contagem MG Praça Pio X Urb. Rio de Janeiro RJ and Rio de Janeiro Center RJ. In August 1998 he was elected as Director current denomination for Regional Director responsible for Brasília and Nordeste Regionals. Currently he holds the position of Director in São Paulo. He is also Effective Director of State of São Paulo’s Industries Center (CIESP). He was President of the Associação e Sindicatos dos Bancos do Estado da Bahia in which he was also Vice-President.