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Profile of Allen Meadows

Allen Meadows

Vice Chmn. - Medem Inc.
Allen Meadows Email :
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Company Name : Medem Inc.
Company Website : www.medem.com
Company Address : 100 Pine St.
3rd Fl., San Francisco, CA,
United States,
Allen Meadows Profile :
Vice Chmn. - Medem Inc.
Allen Meadows Biography :

Dr. Meadows received his medical degree at the University of South Carolina, and completed his residency in Mobile, AL. He finished his adult and pediatric allergy fellowship in Denver, CO at the National Jewish Center, a national referral center for respiratory problems. He passed the board exam and became board certified in allergy in 1991. He passed the Board Recertification exam in 1999. Dr. Meadows began his practice in 1991 choosing to locate in Montgomery where his wife was raised. His mission is to educate his patients about the causes of coughing and allergic illnesses and to teach his patients that they can lead a symptom-free life. He believes in treating and solving problems with a minimum of expense and trouble to the patient. Fewer than 5% of Dr. Meadow's patients are on allergy shots; his patients get successful results with more conservative therapy. Dr. Meadows is active in the Montgomery County Medical Society and the Medical Society of the State of Alabama, formerly serving as an officer in these organizations. He believes that by taking a proactive stand on medical politics he will better serve his patients' needs. Dr. Meadows travels to Washington D.C. each year to discuss health concerns with our congressmen. He is on the Board of Regents of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. Outside of medicine, he is active in his church and enjoys time with his wife and children.

Allen Meadows Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Edward Fotsch

CEO, Dir. Please login

Nancy Dickey

Pres, V Chancellor - Health Affairs Please login

Henry Dephillips

Chief Medical Officer Please login

Robert Burg

VP - Sales Please login

Nick Krym

VP - Engineering Please login

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