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Profile of Alec Meleger

Alec Meleger

Physiatrist - Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital Network
Alec Meleger Email :
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Company Name : Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital Network
Company Website : www.spauldingrehab.org
Company Address : 125 Nashua St.
2nd Fl., Boston, MA,
United States,
Alec Meleger Profile :
Physiatrist - Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital Network
Alec Meleger Biography :

Director, Spaulding/Harvard Pain Medicine Fellowship

Interventional physiatrist, Spine Center, Newton-Wellesley Hospital

Clinical Instructor, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Harvard Medical School

Specialties: Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Pain Medicine

Education: MD, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, 1996

Residency: Spaulding/Harvard PM&R Residency Program, 2000

Fellowship: University of California-Davis Medical Center, Department of Anesthesiology, Pain Medicine, 2001

Board Certification: Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Pain Medicine

Research Interests: Interventional Spine Care

Musculoskeletal Medicine

Comprehensive Pain Management

In Brief

Languages: Russian(fluent), Spanish and French(minor proficiency)

Research & Publications

Meleger A, Borg-Stein J: Acupuncture and Sports Medicine: A Review of Published Studies. Medical Acupuncture Fall 1999/Winter 2000; 11(2)

Meleger A: Cervical Stenosis. In Frontera WR (ed): Essentials of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Philadelphia, Hanley & Belfus, 2002, pp 30-34.

Fishman SM, Smith H, Meleger A, Seibert JA. Radiation Safety in Pain Medicine. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2002; 27: 296-305.

Meleger AL: Cervical Stenosis. In Silver JK (ed): Essentials of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation: Review & Self Assessment. Philadelphia, Hanley & Belfus, 2003, pp 17-18.

Burke DT, Meleger A, Schneider JC. Eye Movements and Ongoing Task Processing. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 2003, 96, 1330-1338.

Borg-Stein J, Seroussi RE, Gomba L, Meleger A et al. Safety and Efficacy of Percutaneous Neuromodulation Therapy in the Management of Subacute Radiating Low Back Pain. Pain Practice. June 2003, 3(2), 125.

Audette JF, Emenike EL, Meleger AL. Neuropathic Low Back Pain. Current Pain and Headache Reports. 2005 Jun;9(3):168-77.

Meleger AL. Muscle relaxants and antispasticity agents. Phys Med Rehabil Clin N Am 2006 May; 17(2) :401-13.

Poster Presentations

Meleger A, Burke DT. Effect of Naltrexone on Significant Post Traumatic Abulia and FIM Profile. AAP Annual Conference, February 1999

Meleger A. HIV Associated AIDP Presenting with Thoracic Back Pain. AAPMR Annual Assembly, November 1999

Protopapas MG, Meleger AL Schmorls Node Formation As A Complication of Provocative Discography: A Case Report." AAP annual conference, March 3-6, 2006

Carayannopoulos, AG, Meleger, AL "A Case of Transient Global Amnesia Resulting from Musculoskeletal Examination." 15th European Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. May 17, 2006

Alec Meleger Colleagues :
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David Rosenbloom

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Diana Barrett

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Elmer Bartels

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Nicholas Brill

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Mark Herman

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