Aldo Minucci was born in Reggio Calabria in 1946.
Mr. Minucci has been a Director of Telecom Italia since April 16 2007.
After graduating in Law in 1972 he was employed by Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A. working in the Fiscal Advice Service for which he became Manager in 1983.
In 1993 he was appointed Central Executive Officer with responsibility for the Administration and Financial Coordination Service and supervision of the Fiscal Advice Service.
In 1995 he took on the role of Vice Chief Executive Officer Technical-Commercial Coordination for the Insurance Companies in Italy and is Supervisor of the Group’s Internal Audit Service.
Mr. Minucci is Director of Alleanza Assicurazione S.p.A. Director of the Banca Generali S.p.A. Chairman of GENERTEL S.p.A. Director of AC.E.GA.S. S.p.A. Chairman of SIMGENIA S.p.A. Director of Generali Servizi Amministrativi S.p.A. Director of Intesa Previdenza SIM S.p.A. Director of Intesa Vita S.p.A. Director of La Venezia Assicurazioni S.p.A. Director of Gemina S.p.A. Director of Toro S.p.A. Deputy Chairman of Nuova Tirrena S.p.A. Director of INA Assitalia S.p.A. Director of FATA Vita S.p.A. and Director of FATA Assicurazioni Danni S.p.A.. |