Adrian Zackheim joined Penguin Group in September 2001 to start a new imprint, Portfolio.
Previously, he was the associate publisher and editor-in-chief of HarperInformation, a division of HarperCollins. His primary role there was leading HarperBusiness, which during his tenure became one of the most successful business imprints in the industry. His distinguished career has also included editorial positions at William Morrow, Doubleday, and St. Martin's Press.
Among the many bestselling books that Zackheim has edited and published are Good to Great by Jim Collins, Die Broke by Stephen Pollan and Mark Levine, The Dilbert Principle by Scott Adams, Built to Last by Jim Collins and Jerry Porras, The HP Way by David Packard, Head to Head by Lester Thurow, and Swim with the Sharks without being Eaten Alive by Harvey Mackay.
Four of his books were honored as among the twenty most influential business books of the last twenty years, according to a panel of experts convened by Forbes.